Calculator: How to Calculate Expected Date of Delivery?

To calculate the Expected Date of Delivery, you should know the first day of the last menstrual period. Calculate the due date when you missed your period.

Pregnancy is a period during which your baby grows and develops inside your womb. It starts from conception (fertilization of sperm and ovum) and ends with the delivery of the baby.

As soon as you missed your period, you are very excited to know when you will deliver your little one. The duration of pregnancy is 9 months and 7 days or 40 weeks calculated from the first day of the last menstrual period (LMP).

If you want to calculate the Expected Date of Delivery, you should know your first day of the last menstrual period.

You can follow 3 steps to calculate your expected date of delivery-

  • First, determine your first day of the last menstrual period.
  • Now, you can add 7 days to that date; next, add either 9 months to that date or count back 3 months from that date, as per your convenience.
  • You will get your expected date of delivery.

For example,

12 Jan 2022 was your LMP.

Next, add 7 days, you will get 19 Jan 2022. Now add 9 months to that date, you will get 19 Oct 2022 as your due date.

Or else, count back 3 months from that date (19 Jan 2022), and you will get the same date, that is, 19 Oct 2022 as your due date.

Calculator to calculate the expected date of delivery

This calculator will help you to calculate your expected date of delivery based on your last menstrual period. You have to enter the date of your first day of the last menstrual period, and you will get your expected date of delivery.

Thank you all!!! Hope you find this useful.

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